Privacy Policy



Making payments through the OPULENT website is safe because:

OPULENT has maximum security measures. The process works on a secure server using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. The secure server establishes a connection that ensures that it is only intelligible to the Client's computer and that of the E-Commerce. In this way, using the SSL protocol guarantees:

  1. That the Client is communicating their data only to the OPULENT server center.
  2. That between the Client and the OPULENT server center The data is transmitted encrypted, preventing its possible reading or manipulation by third parties.

From , OPULENT does not capture, store or transmit transactional data, since it has the payment gateway: Mercado Pago (Credit Card, Baloto and Efecty) certified with PCI, certified in high security standards that includes, among others, encryption software, procedures validation and robust data protection measures.


Clients and Users are fully responsible for their conduct when accessing the information on the website while browsing it, as well as after having accessed it. As a consequence of the above, Clients and Users are solely responsible to OPULENT. and before third parties, of the consequences that may arise from its use:

  • For purposes or effects that are illicit or contrary to this document, any content on the website, whether or not prepared by OPULENT , published or not officially under its name.
  • Contrary to the content of this document and harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable or deteriorate the website or its services or prevent normal enjoyment by other clients or users.

OPULENT reserves the right to update the contents when it sees fit, as well as to eliminate, limit or prevent access to them, temporarily or definitively, or to deny access to the website to Clients or Users who misuse the content. the contents and/or fail to comply with any of the conditions that appear in this document.


OPULENT has all rights over the content, design, layout and source code of this website and, especially, over the photographs, images, logos, clothing designs, brands and trade names that are included on the website. These rights are protected by current legislation regarding intellectual property.

Total or partial reproduction of this website is expressly prohibited without the express written permission of OPULENT .

Likewise, copying, reproduction, adaptation, modification, distribution, commercialization, public communication and/or any other action that involves a violation of the regulations in force in Colombia or in the rest of the world regarding intellectual property and/or is totally prohibited. industrial unless it is with the prior express written authorization of OPULENT .

OPULENT informs that it does not grant any implicit license or authorization on intellectual and/or industrial property rights or on any other right or property related, directly or indirectly, to the contents included on its website.


OPULENT does not assume responsibility derived from the access of minors to the contents included in the website, it being the responsibility of the parents or legal guardians to exercise adequate control over the activity of the children or minors in their care or to install any of the Internet use control tools, in order to prevent access to materials or content not suitable for minors, as well as the sending of personal data without the prior authorization of their parents or guardians.

Likewise, OPULENT will not be responsible in any case when:

  1. Errors or delays in accessing the website by the Client when entering their data in the order form, the slowness or impossibility of receipt by the Clients of the order confirmation or any anomaly that may arise when these incidents are due to problems in the Internet network, causes of force majeure and any other unforeseeable contingency beyond the good faith of OPULENT .
  2. Failures or incidents that may occur in communications, deletion or incomplete transmissions, so that it is not guaranteed that the website services are constantly operational.

Errors or damages caused to the website due to inefficient and bad faith use of the service by the Client.


Because the website, and the information contained therein, is public knowledge, full acceptance of this privacy and data policy is essential for its use. This policy is accepted in the following cases:

  • When information is provided for registration on the website
  • When you consult any content or information contained on the website
  • When you use any of the services available on the website
  • The other cases established by OPULENT

For the main activity of the company, which is based on the production and marketing of clothing; OPULENT requires access to the data of clients, suppliers, employees and other third parties for the normal functioning of its commercial and work activities. Therefore, OPULENT | YULIEHT LAVERDE ., a company identified with NIT 43916547-5, domiciled at CALLE 49 # 54 43 BG 202 in the city of Medellín, is responsible for the management of personal data and will do so operating with criteria of confidentiality, security and restricted circulation.


One of the methods by which OPULENT It collects data from its customers through its official website when the customer makes their virtual purchases. On its page and virtual store, OPULENT asks customers, through a form, for basic personal information to be able to make shipments. It can also be presented that customers spontaneously provide their personal data wanting to receive special information from the company.

The handling of data with natural or legal persons susceptible to a relationship with OPULENT is carried out through corporate emails or other means used to obtain the relevant data.


OPULENT guarantees that the personal data obtained are for exclusive access and use by the company and the treatment given to them is reliable and secure. The authorized data will be used only by people authorized by the company. Likewise, OPULENT It has a qualified work team for information management, from database management to technological resources intended for this purpose.


OPULENT guarantees that the purpose of handling personal data is to ensure the normal exercise of commercial and labor relations; as well as its inherent activities.


The rights that assist the client as the owner of the data provided are: the right to know, update, rectify and delete their personal information, to revoke the consent granted, request proof of authorization, to request and receive information about the purpose of the use of your data, file complaints with the SIC for misuse of your data, and obtain free information about the data being processed.

According to the above, the attention to requests, queries and complaints is in charge of: Emanuel Zuluaga, eCommerce Manager, who can be contacted by sending an email to Gestió for data related to clients.

The rights of the Information Holders may be exercised by the following people, as long as the corresponding quality is accredited through suitable documents:

  1. a) By the Owner
  2. b) By their successors, who must present the identity document, civil registration of death of the Holder, a document that certifies the capacity in which they act and the number of the Holder's identity document.
  3. c) By the representative and/or attorney-in-fact of the Owner, who must present a valid identity document, a document that certifies the capacity in which he or she acts (power of attorney) and the number of the Owner's identity document.


OPULENT is committed to providing appropriate and safe use of the data of girls, boys and adolescents under 18 years of age, responding to and respecting the best interests of children; as well as respect and give adequate management to sensitive data, being aware that they deserve special care and without prejudice to any fundamental right, understanding that sensitive data are those that affect the privacy of the Owner or whose improper use may generate discrimination. , such as those that reveal racial or ethnic origin.

The information processing policy has an indefinite duration and is published to interested parties as of March 30, 2022.

The time during which OPULENT makes use of the data for an indefinite period, depending on the needs of the company to carry out its activity, or until the people involved determine it.

When the data relates to sensitive data or data of girls, boys and adolescents, you may refrain from responding.

If the Client was already part of the OPULENT database, it is necessary to have their authorization to continue registering and using their data. If after 30 business days of receiving this notice you do not take the corresponding action to revoke the authorization, it is understood unequivocally and expressly that you give authorization to keep your information, the above, in accordance with Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decree. 1377 of 2013.

If you agree to the provisions of this policy and authorize OPULENT | YULIEHT LAVERDE. to make use of your personal data, keep this information in mind for future actions. If, on the other hand, you want your data not to be used by the company in any context, you can contact the person previously designated as responsible via email.